Importance of work for the individual and society
Importance of work for the individual and society
The professional term has grown historically and is linked to the terms work, vocational training, and social opportunities as well as income.
An activity that serves to maintain one’s own existence and that of society and is accepted and rewarded by society is generally referred to as work.
A person who carries out a regular and long-term work activity for which he has previously acquired the required knowledge in an apprenticeship so that he can exercise it sufficiently, whereby these learned competencies and basic qualifications of professional role acting have become known to other people Job.
Importance of work: development of the facility
The central importance of gainful employment for the individual and society as a whole also disguises negative aspects that can arise from work. However, doing one’s job can in some cases become an addiction. People use work as a means of escaping conflict with their partner, family, friends or with themselves.
Unlike other forms of addiction, these “workaholics” are accepted and admired by society. Many young workers sacrifice leisure time, private life, and sleep in order to become successful as quickly as possible. These yuppies sometimes work up to 14 hours a day, seven days a week. If they go out, then with colleagues or like-minded people, always concerned about their professional progress. They don’t even have to time to know the celebrity trending now.
The boundaries between positive work enthusiasm and work addiction are fluid. In any case, these limits are exceeded when work is abused to avoid conflicts and confrontations.
Benefits of workaholics for society
Especially at times of high unemployment, many work more than they have to for fear of losing their jobs. By taking on more work, they try to become indispensable and to outperform other employees. However, workaholics take work away from others.
At first glance, workaholics may seem like a lot of work, but it has been proven that not everyone who works a lot is efficient. Working time and work output are not in a linear relationship to one another. In addition, the workaholics’ lack of teamwork makes them neither popular nor good employees.
In today’s society, work represents an important basic element for securing the livelihood of the individual and of society as a whole. The individual defines himself and his social status through his activity.