Tips to Keep Pests Out of Self Storage Units

  • Tips to Keep Pests Out of Self Storage Units

    First, you have to realize that this endeavor is a continuous one. Generally, you can’t just apply some of the measures below and leave it at that for a year.

    Usually, keeping a self storage unit clean and pest-free takes regular maintenance. At the very least, you should check on the unit once a month.

    Still, that’s a minor consideration when you think of what could happen to your stored items if you don’t. After all, you could lose a good bit of your stuff by failing to do proper maintenance!

    At any rate, let’s go over the ways to do that maintenance now. Here are the best ways to keep pests out of self storage units:

    Keep the Place Dry

    As much as possible, you want your self storage unit to be dry. It’s not just about the pests either, as a lot of the things people put away can be damaged by moisture.

    It can be hard to keep a self-storage unit dry, of course. Still, there are some things you can do — like making sure that where you keep it isn’t too exposed to the elements.

    There’s also the option of putting desiccant materials in the storage. This can be fairly effective, although it also means you’ll have to allocate some space to the desiccants themselves in the unit.

    Use Sealed Bags

    Vacuum-sealed bags are especially effective here. What you want to do is provide pests with as few chances to get at your stuff as possible.

    Proper vacuum-sealed bags should have zero openings for pests when they’re closed. Make sure the ones you’re using are of a decent thickness, though, or one little bump or scrape can tear a hole into them — and make their protection moot.

    However, take note that you can’t vacuum-seal everything. For example, it’s not advisable to vacuum-seal upholstered furniture.

    This is because upholstery needs to breathe or it can build up moisture. That will damage your upholstery and may even cause it to rot.

    Stuff Corners with Dryer Sheets

    Dryer sheets are amazing things. They’re not just useful for your laundry either, as they can actually help repel pests if you use them in your self storage units.

    Most dryer sheets have a strong fragrance that pests dislike. Look for those with flowery or even citrusy scents and stuff some in the corners of your self storage unit, as well as in the boxes within the unit.

    if you are interested in knowing more about how a vacuum works, you can check out a really good read about Roomba i7 vs 960 here!

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